REsources for
women in cs

Earlham College

Computer Science students who identity as women are here for with you. Earlham has a supportive community for underrepresented students in tech. We want to break down the boundary and introduce you to communities of women around the world to support you.

Join Communities for Women in Tech

ACM-W: Association for Computing Machinery's Women in Computing

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world’s largest academic and scientific society for computing. The ACM Women’s Council (ACM‐W) focuses on encouraging and promoting the extensive engagement of women in the field by presenting services and opportunities to its 148 member student chapters. Earlham College ACM-W Student Chapter this year is represented by Pyone Thant Win and Kate Nguyen. 

Girls Who Code: Earlham College Loop

Girls Who Code’s mission is to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. The GWC Loop at Earlham College is lead by Uyen Nguyen. 

CodePath Logo

iOS App Development course will be offered at Earlham in Spring 2021 in cooperation with is a resourceful, empowering organization in Silicon Valley that works to increase diversity in tech. CodePath provides college C.S. education for underrepresented minorities and underserved populations, primarily with fully funded college courses. 

AWM: Association for Women in Mathematics​

Reach out to Fariba Khoshnasib-Zeinabad for information about joining.