Penta-b-gon !!Imagine a day without the millitary
This was published in the Palladium Item on Saturday October 25 th.
There was no accompanying article but this picture with its caption
was on the front page. Overall, we consider it
good that we got a picture in the paper.
However, the caption could have been more accurate.
The caption says that there were "about a dozen"
protestors. Actually there were a total of 22 people who went to the
Penta-b-gon protest, which is a lot of people considering if you consider
that Oct 24th was a rainy day.
The caption also says that we were "calling for elimination of military
spending in the United States". This is inaccurate and makes us look more
radical than we actually are. Elimination of the US military
spending would be an unrealistic goal given the current political
environment. As the Student Direct Action Coalition, we find it
outragous that our representatives in Washington have been cutting
social programs left and right (pun intended), while giving the
Department Of Defence more money than it asks for. The purpose
of our protest was to advocate wepons reduction, cutbacks in defence spending and the closing of the School of the Americas
in Ft Benning Georgia.