Minute Board
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Mat brought up the concern that our group is called the Student Direct
Action Coalition, and that this is exclusive to non-students. If we want
to encourage workers and other non-students to join us, we should change
our name. He suggested the People's Direct Action Coalition.
We also discussed the name of the Worker Appreciation Party. Some folks
said that some students said it was condescending, and that they were too
uncomfortable to go. Might we change the name to Student-Worker Mixer, or
Student-Worker Union Party, or Student-Worker Solidarity Party?
We also discussed a new direction that we may want to move toward: taking
on the task to helping to improve workers' conditions on campus. Workers
at the Party said that they have been threatened with termination if they
try to unionize or raise a ruckus about things they are displeased with.
They also wish for higher wages, perhaps more help (more workers). We
discussed whether we can tackle the college workers' and Saga workers'
problems together or if it would be wiser to handle them separately. We
talked about ways we can work to help the workers here and all over
Richmond. Volunteering, alternative currencies, and cooperatives were all
listed as ways to improve workers' lives.
Two things that we said needed to be done if we were to do this: 1) We
must set up time(s) to meet with workers so we can discuss these issues
with them. 2) We need to do research into the financial situation of the
college, and find out if the college can afford to raise wages. If worker
wages cannot be raised, perhaps the faculty should be asked to forgo a
raise or even lower thier income. Any comments?
I have my doubts as to whether EC can afford to raise wages. That is why I
mentioned the Communty currency and/or the cooperative approach be
examined. This would take time to implement, and be more complex, but I
think it may solve more problems. It seems to me that raising wages is too
easy. As everyone knows, dollars are tied into the global economy, and do
not reflect the needs of people or the economy here in Richmond. If we
raise wages, the money must come from somewhere. I was ticked off at the
people at the All-Student Meeting because they showed very little
imagination. Why must we think that the economy must be run with American
Dollars? Why can we not change the way we compensate the college's
workers? They also don't know what a pain in the ass Dick Smith is. When
is he supposed to retire, anyway?
If wages increase, then tuition must increase, or the money must come from
somewhere, at least. Where will it come from? Our Professors are paid
less than the national average for professors. They do not seem to be
rich. The field house is being built, costing roughly $11 million bucks,
without union labour. That it is built without union labor is angering.
It is perfectly legitimate to donate money to an institution with a
condition that it be used for a special project. For example, the Center
has been offered $2000 for a new computer. The condition is that this
money must be spent on a computer. We can't spend it on books, or chairs,
or dynamite for the safe.
$6.15 an hour is barely enough to live on. I would imagine this would
require shopping at WalMart, and that certainly isn't going to improve the
local economy much or inspire confidence in the worker. This is certainly
not enough for someone with a dependent.
I propose an alternative currency system, in case there is no feasable way
for workers to get paid more. (in case professors do not want to take a
cut in pay or tuition cannot be raised. Or, a cooperative system, where
the workers share resources, or the college could pay them with substantial
items, not money. For example, services the college already supplies that
could be extended to the workers. Maybe free tuition for children, or
significantly reduced tuition, or access to college computers, classrooms,
the fieldhouse and excersize rooms (gym fees are expensive!). I'm just
trying to think how the college could do them good without raising wages.
The following are alternative currency pages, dealing with the system
Ithaca, NY, has set up. (I'm also proud to say that Willimantic, in the
Great state of Connecticut, also has an Hours system.)
(hey guess what? I just learned that the US is the ONLY country with veto
power over IMF decisions!!)
-"el David"
David Oehl, Earlham College, Drawer 1364, Richmond IN 47374
"More Weight!" --Giles Corey
"Hell yeah, I'll hug a tree!" --Guy at Heartwood Reunion
"[Most] Americans are not people with lives, but consumers with lifestyles"
-William McDonough, architect
SDAC Home Page
Hey everyone. It was good to see everyone who came to our meeting Tuesday. I'm a bit late getting this out, but here are some of the things we talked about.
After discussing some of the history of the organization and getting to know each other, we found out a bit about what's happening with other organizations. It sounds like a lot of stuff is in the works. Some things for us to keep in mind are the School of the Americas- a training site for Latin American dictators and such; the Anti-racist Action conference that's happening this semester; the National day of Police Brutality Awareness on Oct. 22; a socially conscious movie night that might include Labor Day (Monday); getting an activist Library together for the Community Action Center, and the International Human Rights Day. The Indigenous People's Movement is also on the go. Do we also want to respond in some way to the "War on Terrorism"?
Here's a list of who was interested in what, and sorry this is coming out so late.
Activist Library: Liv and Adam
Free Box: Hannah, Charlie, Josh, and Lisa
Movie Night: Tim, David, and Catherine
Police Brutality/ ARA conference: Sarah L., Sarah T., Wendy, Charlie, Matt L., Liv, Lisa, Hannah
Bombing Info: Libby, Sarah T., Hannah, Liv, Charlie, Wendy
Indigenous Issues: Matt L., Charlie, Wendy, Sarah, Hannah
Investments: Sarah, David, Tim, Adam
Reminder: Our meeting time this next week is at 9 pm on Tuesday rather than 7 pm. Hope everyone can make it. If not, write me a note.
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Hey all Direct Action Coalition folk. I hope you're having a good week. Just a couple of things we talked about at the meeting.
* It sounds like it'll be a go for movie nights on Thursdays at 8 pm!!
* Liv Leader says she might have a speaker for Peace and Justice Week. I'm also sure they'd be happy to have any other suggestions people may have.
* The Anti-Racist Action conference in Columbus from the 16th-18th of October is coming up fast, and it'll be a hectic week as well, but it should be exciting and will end in a Police Brutality awareness march.
* School of the Americas is going to be happening, so start thinking about going to support an end to US subsidization of terrorism.
* Research into the US bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan has led to ideas of a panel or discussion about how the US is a bad neighbor by ignoring countries' sovereignty and spending 56 million dollars on kiling about 80 people.
* The free box is now up in the basement of Runyan, and people have put up posters advertising this wonderful means of exchanging clothes and other things that we may not use anymore.
* The Indigenous People's Movement got about 250 letters signed pertaining to Big Mountain in AZ (People being forced to sign over their land or forced off their land for the sake of mining interests), and the situation in Chiapas.
* Penta-B-gon is going to be in mid-October. What are we trying to organize for it, and how would we best reach the audience we want to make a difference with?
Sorry if I missed anything. You can let me know at hinesad@earlham.edu if I did.
Until structural violence doesn't exist, Adam Hines
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Dear DAC people, Here is some of the important news from this week's
-For those interested in the SOA conference- $3,400 for bus. So far
about 35-40 people have signed up. If we are taking a bus we need to
find two other colleges to join us. Possibilities: Goshen(Libby is
checking) and Wooster (Daniel).If split up, only $15 per person. We may
use school vans, depending on number of people. Wilda may have money to
help us out(Daniel and Josh)for bus.
-SAC cleanup @ 3:00 on Fri.
-Peace And Justice Week possible themes:
Power to the people and Peace in your every day life
Will try to work panel in.
-Social Activist Folk singer, Robert Hoyt coming this semester-sign up
to put up signs.
-Conlfict Transformation: Transforming Initiatives @ 10AM this Sat.-
Daniel is leading.
-ARA Conference over midterm break- still, anyone interested.
-Peace and Justice Week Mtg. in Peace House, Sun. @7pm
I think that's it! Have a good week! Libby
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29/9/98 minutes
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Hey Everyone. I hope your weeks are going well.
At the Student Direct Action Coalition meeting we discussed a range of topics.
Two singers are coming on this Tuesday the 6th of October. Look for publicity and save
7:30 pm for the concert. They're activist/ environmental singers.
Thursday (yes today for most people) TV Nation will be shown in Barrett- Hoskins
(basement of Lilly) at 9 pm.
Matt Leroy and others in IPM is looking for people to help pass out materials at the fair
here in Richmond this Saturday.
Indigenous People's Movement is working on several things at the moment. They have
gotten in touch with AIM and informed them of the plans to go to Peabody Coal's
managerial plant in Carlisle, IN to protest the actions at Big Mountain. Dialogue about
protesting the Bureau of Indian Affairs is also under way. A non-violent part of IPM is
being formed as well.
School of the Americas stuff is going forward. There are several possibilities for rides
down. Several schools might be able to get together and take a bus down. Brian, does
IU have buses that can be gotten for relatively cheap? Are there people interested?
Liv Leader had some awesome ideas about planning something for police brutality
awareness day on Oct. 22. She's working out some possible space use conflicts at the
moment. We're also on the books for a study break during Peace with Justice Week.
The Activist Library is writing a proposal for getting $1000 worth of books and periodicals.
Any ideas of which ones should be on the proposal? Let me (hinesad@earlham.edu)
know. We're trying to have it together by Thursday night, but would still appreciate
suggestions after that.
David Weinberg and I (Adam Hines) are going to start the conversation with Dick Smith
about Investments on Friday morning.
There's an idea in the works to get a corner of the school newspaper for activist type stuff.
We could join with other groups on campus to provide a continuous supply of articles.
Workers' concerns are being researched at the moment to see what type of actions might
be useful. This goes especially for the Sodexho-Marriott (Saga) workers. Earlham
Socialist Alliance is working on this, and Daniel Hunter is corroborating with them.
Wow!! It sure is a lot, but that's good. Enjoy the rest of the week, Adam
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24/10/98 meeting
24/10/98 meeting
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At the meeting today we brainstormed what we saw the center as, and then
chose what to focus on and how to go about it.
What is the purpose of the Community Action Center?
-a space for organisations to meet (both within an org. and between
-an area for networking, especially through the calendar
-an area for literature pertaining to org. topics where a new person can
be introduced to ideas and resources
-storage area for orgs.
-information clearinghouse for orgs.
-an archive/ area to give continuity to orgs
-lounge/ discussion area
-facilitation (needs to be org instead of space)
-create workshops
-have meetings to which we invite different people and orgs on topics
-look at weaknesses of different orgs and try to solve/ correct those
-an active presence that meets people where they are and pulls them in
-must be sustainable
-educational resource
Our focus should be on getting info from organisations (histories, what
do they need from the center, documents, what resources would they find
useful in the libraries, what issues are they working on, ...).
Angelita will get in touch with Carrie and Leah and they'll get a list
of orgs. out that people should drop by the center to get info to ask.
Meanwhile, we need to answer the questions raised by SOC, so we are
now open from 11:50- 12:50 tuesdays thru fridays (or as soon after 11:50
as possible). If anyone is free to work mondays, that would be useful.
We will start collecting meals for the first week of Nov because we
have a chance to get $1000 dollars that way. (So we can get the money
from SOC. We have an account that won't get obliterated at the end of
the year that we can use for funds we raise ourselves.)
We feel that a computer would be useful when we start getting all this
info from orgs, so within the next two weeks we'll check into getting
lock down cables, having a key checkout that provides some sort of
accountability, and figuring out what power connection/ where the
computer will go in the center. We are hoping to move the computer in
on the 7th of November. Hopefully we'll have info to put in databases
by then, and it'll give people something to work on while giving hours
in the center.
This is all I can remember from the meeting. If anyone remembers
something else, feel free to share. Hope everyone's been enjoying the
festivities this weekend, Adam
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Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 23:18:37 -0600
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From: Kumar Ramanathan Sathy
SDAC Home Page
meeting notes
meeting notes
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1.) Adam is requesting help on getting social and environmental pledges
distributed effectively to earlham grads every year. The pledges would be
voluntarily signed by students. They state that the student promises to
consider social and environmental impacts of the job/field they choose to
pursue. He needs help rewording the original copy and making it work
without faculty having to push it.
2.) Touched on Mumia updates.
3.) Thursday, 8:30 Lily: video, "Putting Faith into Action."
4.) Thursday, 8:30 BH room: SOA video (contact Josh P. for info)
5.) Earlham Students for a Free Tibet received $50.00 from SDAC to pay for
initial membership fees and get on its feet. There will be an ESFT table
display Friday from 12-1.
6.) HBO Documentary on Mumia: Wednesday (?) 8:30. (contact Matt for info)
7.) Community Action Center:
a.) EVERYBODY THANK JOSH! He made a "now open" sign for the center and
reorganized the shelves.
b.) Still looking for groups/departments to support the center (mostly the
literature/journal purchases). Josh is going to talk to Liv about getting
the Pags department to support this.
c.) Center still needs about $800.00 for the purchase of books and journals.
d.) Need to set up new Saga meal donations for the center. Kumar has
volunteered to put up flyers about this to get more students to
participate. SDAC is planning to table sometime in the next two weeks (?)
at lunch a couple of times to have students sign up for this conveniently
at the table.
8.) Matt wants to organize a Free Mumia demonstration in Richmond because
so many Mumia activists cannot make it this Saturday to PA. Please contact
him if you want to come or can help him pull this together. THIS SATURDAY.
9.) SOA trip:
a.) two van-fulls of people are going.
b.) there will be a table thursday to recruit more people to go. Matt
and _________ will set it up. If you can assist from 12-1:00, help is needed.
Since 1949 over 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed by Chinese militants.
Tibet has more Uranium than any other country and China sells it to Iraq,
Syria, and Pakistan.
Many Chinese factories are staffed by Tibetan prisoners.
Kumar Ramanathan Sathy
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minutes for 1 Dec., 1998
minutes for 1 Dec., 1998
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Just to let everyone know, we were brainstorming stuff for next
semester. We want to keep the pressure on about US Foreign Policy,
which includes Iraq, and Latin America (SOA etc.). Indigenous People's
Movement is planning to continue actions on Big Mountain, the
Zapatistas, American Indian Movement issues within the state (license
plate and band stand on burial grounds), and trying to get American
Indian Studies major and/or minor on campus, and increasing # of
American Indian students on campus. We need to check in with ESA on
supporting a workers' union on campus. Several students are auditing
the college (environmental [and social?]) and we could support this in
some way. We can start looking at college plans for the new social
science building to try to get it built in a sound manner. Work on the
issue of pesticides being used on campus. We also need to think about
what our end goals are with the actions we take. If you have
suggestions email or come to the last meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9 pm
in the Community Action Center in runyan basement. Adam
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