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May 24, 2005

Well, well, well...

As you can tell, I occasionally have a hard time keeping weblogs (or any type of log) up to date. Its been a while since my last entry... I've managed to make some progress though, so I hope it doesn't look like I've just been sluffing off. The spec for the new Housing Application is coming along slowly, but surely. Running into the fact that people like to take vacations during this time of year. Thus meetings are not as close together as we'd like. Its comming together though. I've re-worked a few of the steps I had been going through. Hopefully these changes will make my life a little easier both during this design stage and future implementation stages.

Most of the changes that I've made have been centered around thinking more about the actual design. Rather than just taking what we had come up with in meetings and what is in my head and trying to turn it into UML, I'm trying to actually lay out the requirements and go through the proper Requirements Analysis stage of development. This should, as I said, create much less of a headache for me later.

Posted by nbingha at May 24, 2005 05:28 PM


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