Ned Bingham - CS80 - Journal Entry for the week of October 28, 2001

October 29, 2001

Well, things have been busy... As you may have been able to tell... Its now after midterm break, and time is short. I managed to finish my proposal before the deadline without too much missing, but still need to work on my plan of execution. I really dislike doing planning, because I constantly feel behind despite sometimes not actually being behind. But there is some rationality for doing a plan, so I'm not that opposed to it ... I'm just doing it with a pout... :) As of yet, I don't have an online version of my plan but my proposal can be found here. Eventually I'll get to puting in links to alternative formats. If you're interested you can find the description that I have written here. Same here for WRT alternative formats. Look here for future developments.

I've finally managed to organize a meeting with the people involved in the network and academic computing infrastructure here at EC. This list includes Kevan Wogoman, Rowan Littell, Charlie Peck, and Mark Pearson. I don't think that I'll be able to include any of that meeting in my presentation on Wednesday, but I think it will help me greatly in getting moving on the rest of my project. Deep down, I have this feeling that I'm in the stage now that I wish I were in at the beginning of the semester. I don't know, maybe thats just me.

Still waiting for the ILL to get here... Aparently, the other library sent it, but it was never received here (by me or anyone else). As for my presentation, I haven't finalized anything yet. As a matter of fact, I don't have any thing written for it yet, but I have ideas. I'm planning on using flow charts to depict the development process and the importance of Requirements Analysis and its various stages. I also am planning on producing 2 medium for my presentation: PowerPoint (or something similar) and Transparancies (of the PowerPoint presentation idealy). Now I just have to create the content. I don't think I'll have many problems with that since I feel I have a fairly good grasp on the material.

So... now back to work...

November 8, 2001

Well, despite the rough start to this week and not getting much done at the start of it, this week has been fairly good. I've managed to complete a good chunk of the UML layout of my project, and hope to finish most of it today/tomorrow. Jim has been a lot of help this week though. I'm glad that he has the patience (sometimes) to put up with us lazy students. But as he has so cheerfully reminded us recently, we do only have 4 more weeks of class to complete our projects before they are due and have to present them. I am, however, still rather skeptical as to how much I will be able to finish by then. I know (or at least I'm confident) that I'll have the spec written, but I don't know about a prototype for my tool. That may be a little over-zealous for the time that we/I have remaining allong with the other homework/papers that I have due for my other classes. I don't know... we'll see where I get... With luck, I'll have LaTeX copies of the spec up soon. I'm trying to focus on the content rather than the form, so putting LaTeX formatting in has not been my priority, but I now know how I'm going to do so. Well, I guess its back to the grindstone... I'll write more later...

Last modified: Fri Nov 9 03:52:50 EST 2001
Copyright © 2001, Ned Bingham (