Ned Bingham - CS80 - Journal Entry for the week of October 14, 2001

October 14, 2001

Well, as you may have realized, I'm not all that good at keeping my journal up to date on a weekly basis... Its taken me about 2 weeks to get back to this journal. Things have been busy. So... What have I been up to? Reading... and I have lots of it... Just finished another set of study questions for our class discussions, but there is still plenty left. I've been skiming over the few books that I have been able to gather with regards to Requirements Analysis. Proposals are due this Wednesday, so I have to get that finished soon (now)... Nothing much new with regards to my subject material. As most things explaining how to do a practical task, the material is fairly dry and hard to get through. I think I have enough to get the proposal done, I just hope that I can get it written in the time that I have. With luck, once I have the reading done, the writing should go fairly fast.

Last modified: Thu Nov 8 17:28:48 EST 2001
Copyright © 2001, Ned Bingham (